What’s the benefit?

You get to choose.

Choose the veggies you want

You get to pick the produce you want, only what you want, in the quantities you want.

Last year throughout the season we had more than 35 different veggies, herbs, flowers, and fruits on our stand.

Choose where you shop

From our online shop.

Drop in to pick up from our farm stand.

Or pick up weekly at the farmers market.

Choose what’s convenient for you!

Choose to connect with your farmers

You can find out what’s happening on the farm through our monthly newsletter which includes pictures and updates from the land, recipes, and musings about permaculture, art, and holistic health.

Come visit us and see where your food grows. Learn about how we do things on our farm.

We want to know everyone in our farms’ community too.

Choose how often

Going away for a holiday? Tired of eating salad? No problem! Shop as much, or as little as you’d like!

Unlike traditional CSA box programs you don’t need to commit, or reschedule, or lose out when you’re away.

Our main harvest season is from May until December (approximately 25-30 weeks), but we’re aiming to keep growing what we can beyond that, and having storage crops for as much of the year as possible. We also make preserves and we’ll continue to have delicious offerings available throughout all of the seasons.

Early Bird Bonus

You can purchase community shares all season long, but your support early in the season makes the most impact.

When you purchase shares before March 30th, you will receive an extra 10% bonus added to your card.

For example, your $600 share purchase will get you $660 in farm credit on your card.

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